If you’re planning to obtain a work permit in Algeria, here we provide an overview of the application process! From categories of work permits (and their costs) and expected timelines… read more →
One year after the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa was declared as a Public Health Emergency, the World Health Organisation has cautioned that the outbreak is not yet over.… read more →
As of the 1st June 2015, the South African Department of Home Affairs has implemented a new immigration law: all minors under the age of 18 year will be required… read more →
Ghana is in the top 5 countries in terms of attracting expatriates arriving in Africa, with the country’s economy based on not only its oil, gas and mining industries, but… read more →
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has revealed a gift from Egypt to the world: the Suez Canal’s sea-level waterway will be enlarged by 37 km, with a new portion of… read more →